By - Markus Zehnle

Quick Post: How to enable Citrix Connection Strength Indicator on Workspace App for Windows 2409 TechPreview

Reading Time: 2 minutes


On Sep 30th 2024 Citrix published a small blog post about the new feature: Introducing the New Connection Strength Indicator: Say Goodbye to Connectivity Woes! – Citrix Blogs

Mac users are already enjoying the benefits of CSI, as the Workspace App version 2409 has already been released for them. Windows users will need to wait a bit longer, but as of recently (October 16), they have the option to download a Tech Preview of the Citrix Workspace App for Windows 2409.
In this post I will jump quickly thru the setup of the new Citrix Connection Strength Indicator (CSI) on Citrix Workspace App for Windows 2409 TechPreview.


The process is pretty straightforward:

1. Meet the prereqs:
VDA 2407 or later


2. Download and install Citrix Workspace App for Windows 2409 TechPreview: Citrix Workspace app for Windows 2409 Technology Preview – Citrix


3. Configure CSI according to Citrix product documentation: Connection Strength Indicator on Desktop Viewer Toolbar (Technical Preview)

Hint: You’ll find the required ADMX/ADML files in the installation directory of the Citrix Workspace App 2409 under “C:\Program Files (x86)\Citrix\ICA Client\Configuration” (CitrixBase.admx + receiver.admx).

If you don’t want to fiddle with the admx/adml you can use the following registry settings to activate CSI:

You can use the following .reg file:


In the end you will come up with something like this:

When we introduce 300ms latency it looks like this:

Quite nice addition to the Desktop Viewer Toolbar, isn’t it?

2 thoughts on “Quick Post: How to enable Citrix Connection Strength Indicator on Workspace App for Windows 2409 TechPreview

Anantha reddy 26-12-2024 at 10:57

Nice article

May i know, is this limited to virtual desktops only or applicable to virtual apps as well?


    Markus Zehnle 26-12-2024 at 11:28


    At the moment the Connection Strength Indicator (CSI) is part of the Desktop Viewer toolbar so it’s not gonna work for seamless published apps. Depending on the use case you can maybe use the Connection Quality Indicator or HDXMonitor!?


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